The Most Stunning Updo You’ll See Today: The Bun Scarlett Johansson Wore on the Set of a New Ad Campaign

The Most Stunning Updo You’ll See Today: The Bun Scarlett Johansson Wore on the Set of a New Ad Campaign

From the looks of things, Scarlett Johansson will have the chicest voluminous bun you ever did see in her new ad she shot with Matthew McConaughey for Dolce & Gabbana. Behold: Now, this is a hairstyle. The romantic pieces in front are incredibly dreamy—and all that volume in the back? Divine. It’s hard to know what I covet most in these picture: the hair, the car, or a date that hot. I’d take one of all three, please. Thanks. Gorgeous, don’t you think? Photos: Nancy Rivera / Splash News, Jason Webber / Splash News, Christopher Peterson/Splash News