From the time I learned to read, and throughout my teens, I always participated in a summer reading program. Summer was when I could read whatever I wanted just for the pure joy of reading. This summer, I have decided to create a summer reading list. The first book that I am reading at the moment is entitled, “The Gospel According To Coco Chanel.” There are no photographs, but each chapter is highlighted with a delightful sketch and a few words of Chanel wisdom as you may have read in my last Sunday Night Reflections post.. The book talks about Channel’s early years and how she was shaped by the nuns who raised her and the environment of the orphanage where she grew up. Beginning as a milliner. her story it seems was always one of being in the right place at the right time and never being afraid to take a chance. While other designers were still trying to dress women in heavy, corseted clothing, Chanel bought jersey and made simple skirts and jackets. There are very few aspects about how we dress today that did not originate with Chanel. Chanel created fashion, but more importantly, she created style, a style that is effortless and easy. Many of the pieces that she created are just as beautiful today as they were the day they were created, like the gown below. And remember, we have Chanel to thank for the little black dress! I love this vintage picture. A simple white sweater paired with skinny black pants, a few pearls, and we immediately think Chanel. So if you enjoy fashion, Chanel, or just reading about how someone became to be the icon that they were, “The Gospel According To Chanel” is an interesting book that I think you might enjoy. I found the book purely by accident while just skimming the shelves at my local library. In an upcoming post, I’ll share the other books I have chosen to read over the summer. It’s quite a motley mix!!!! Hope you are finding something delightful and special to do over the summer months. Rhonda