16 Best Winter Hair Colors for Blondes

As the winter chill settles in and the landscape transforms into a wonderland of frosty whites and deep blues, it’s the perfect time to embrace a new look. For many blondes, this season offers a ...
As the winter chill settles in and the landscape transforms into a wonderland of frosty whites and deep blues, it’s the perfect time to embrace a new look. For many blondes, this season offers a ...
Ice blonde – or platinum blonde hair, if you prefer – is the coolest shade of blonde ever.
The title pretty much explains the story, just a bunch of hot men. (NOTE: THESE ARE NOT ALL THE MEN EMPLOYED IN NEW YORK)
Messy bob hairstyles are preferred by so many women. Firstly, they are easy to style, secondly, the look quite chic. See the trendiest ideas here.
The 19-year-old Bad Guy singer confirmed she had worn a wig for months to hide her new platinum blond hair because it took six weeks of work to get the color just right.
Vous désespérez de transformer votre chevelure de bébé en crinière de lionne ? Nouveaux traitements de fond, sérums gainants et astuces ébouriffantes, voici des solutions qui marchent vraiment pour ...
In principio fu la tendenza granny, ora è tempo di greige, una evoluzione della mania per il grigio che tocca sfumature più luminose grazie alla cont…