Coco Chanel: simply chic

Coco Chanel, an emblematic figure of fashion, marked her time with her clothing lines and her perfumes, but above all with her very personal style and her desire to liberate women.
Coco Chanel, an emblematic figure of fashion, marked her time with her clothing lines and her perfumes, but above all with her very personal style and her desire to liberate women.
What to wear and where to buy. There was much more to 1920’s fashion trends, than flapper slang, and dancing to the Charleston !
AXEL MADSEN:COCO CHANEL CHANEL: A Woman of Her Own, 1990 383 sivua, huomautukset ja hakemisto… yhteensä 411 sivua OTAVA, Seven AXEL MADSEN on haastatellut ja keskustellut COCON tuttavien ja l… ...
The way Coco Chanel used to wear jewelry is still inspiring today. She wore jewelry with the same approach she designed her clothing: classic, feminine and innovative. Chanel started to create ...
Cura dei dettagli, attenzione ai capi sartoriali, e quando hai dubbi... ricorri al nero! Scopri i 13 trucchi per essere sempre chic...
Highlights of the brand's storied legacy, from one style hit to the next.
Comment Coco est devenue Chanel
Jersey Flapper Dress by Coco Chanel - 코코샤넬의 원피스룩 소년처럼 자른 머리와 짤막한 시프트 드레스 Shift Dress 는 1920년대 중반의 인습에 얽매이지 않는 신세대 여성, "플래퍼 Flapper"를 대표하는 패션스타일이었다. 야심 찬 그녀들은 남성 우월적이고,보수적인 사회 분위기에 연연하지 않고 다리를 ...