All That Jazz: 100 Years of Art Deco Jewellery

it’s time to celebrate 100 years of Art Deco jewellery with a look back at some of its greatest gem-laden moments.
it’s time to celebrate 100 years of Art Deco jewellery with a look back at some of its greatest gem-laden moments.
"Quand Chanel chassait à courre en France, elle était parfaitement mise, mais détruisait tout ce qu'il y avait de conventionnel dans son apparence en portant toutes ses perles par-dessus son habit" ...
Almost 100 years later, these 1920s outfits still look amazing. Check out the best 1920s fashion that still inspires us today.
If Chanel’s clothes have now become synonymous with a black and white palette, then her life by contrast was a colourful one
EN KAPSAMLI COCO CHANEL SERGİSİ PARİS’TE AÇILDI içeriğine buradan göz atabilirsiniz
Chanel Fall 1994 Ready-to-Wear collection, runway looks, beauty, models, and reviews.
A fotós meg akarja mutatni, hogy a nők többre hivatottak, mint hogy csupán csinosak legyenek.
Including that iconic Audrey Hepburn Givenchy dress
" Если на вас правильное маленькое черное платье, ничто на свете не сможет его заменить ." - Уоллис Симпсон, герцогиня Виндзорская Маленькое черное платье уже давно вышло из разряда заурядных ...