Coco Chanel Jewelry 1920

The “It Girls” of Every Decade

The “It Girls” of Every Decade

Long before Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner had millions of fans screenshotting their every Snap, these women led the vanguard, serving as muses of style and celebrity in their times.

Are Pearls Ethical? We Investigate

Are Pearls Ethical? We Investigate

Are pearls ethical? Are pearls eco friendly? are pearls vegan? Eco friendly pearls, ethical pearls, why pearls can be good for the sea, sustainable pearls

Chanel 07A Gripoix pearl necklace

Chanel 07A Gripoix pearl necklace

Chanel 2007A multi-strand necklace in box. Large gold gripoix logo cross, crystal and pearl beaded double strand, and matte goldtone metal chains. Longest strand is 26" long with an additional 2" ...