Вот что интересно, мне никогда не нравилась Коко Шанель – ни как дизайнер, ни как личность, а вот украшения, которые она носила сама и использовала в своих коллекциях, притягивали и притягивают к ...
Growing up, I had very little exposure to the world of cosmetics. But I did have a great deal of admiration for my uncle who was a senior ad man at Revlon. Throughout the 1970s whenever he would ...
Jac's Classic Chanel Look--After appearing in Chanel’s recent watch campaign, Jac Jagaciak is back once again for a series of fine jewelry images for the
In case you didn't know it let me tell you a little secret. . . I love the 1920's! Okay, okay it may not have been a secret since I have mention it a few time on this blog already. The reason for ...