In Search of Black Assassins

Après trois ans d’attente, Rihanna vient de dévoiler son huitième album « Anti ». L’occasion d’opérer un retour en images avec une sélection choisie de ses meilleurs looks de 2009 à aujourd’hui. ...
Chris Brown is a trendy singer and musician who became famous for his various songs. So what is Chris Brown net worth? Many fans and music lovers want to know
Карл Лагерфельд, креативный директор Дома Chanel, сделал феерическое шоу из показа новой осенне-зимней коллекции бренда. Участие в нем принимали Рианна, лицо Chanel, а также модель Кара Дельвинь. ...
Pop princess Rihanna has well and truly moved on from ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, dancing in a barely-there outfit at a Barbadian carnival and rekindling her relationship with first love Negus Sealy. ...
"BBHMM" singer spotted with Formula One race car driver at carnival
The entertainment value of the love triangle between Chris Brown, his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran and Rihanna, is at an all-time high. Over the weekend,