Southern Sister Polish

Southern Sister Polish

It’s a man eater MAN eater! wait no just a top coat eater but it’s so pretty! All three of these pictures have 2 (one thick one quick dry) top coats! Yes that is right two different brands of top coat went over this frosty pink holo and it ate it like there is no tomorrow! Now if you go looking for this Sally Girl polish since I don’t have a name but I have a number ABOVE the bar code 812112. This was 3 coats of Man Eater! (ha it has a name!) and like I said before 2 coats of top coat…now Man Eater! went on just fine and smooth so the only complaint would have to be the top coat eating. Here are the pictures! Such a great color I have worn it 2 since picking it up at Sally’s…. Now on to the pimping (hehe) KayJay over at Refined and Polished has silver shatter on in her latest post and it looks amazing, but I am so staring at the Wet N’ Wild Caribbean Frost post!!!! Do you Ladies see how beautiful that color is! Amazing! *added to secret wish list!* Harri over at Trailerhood Chic latest post is all about Zoya Reva that looks stunning on her! Don’t forget to check out her Melmer post on where she is going to be storing her polishes I’m so jealous but I’ll be looking for one of those soon! That was fun Ladies thanks for letting me do it! <3 Until next time lovely ladies tell me whatcha got whatcha got on your nails??????? lol ^_^
