Orly – Royal Velvet (Spring 2011 Collection)

Orly – Royal Velvet (Spring 2011 Collection)

Royal Velvet (RV) has just gone to the top of my favorite nail polish list and is so much more stunning in person than in these pics. And more beautiful on the nail than in the bottle. Onwards with the review! Color Description: I am personally describing Royal Velvet as the quintessential blurple – hands down! How many facets of color can one lacquer have? Well, with flashes of blue, purple and deep magenta, RV is a duo-chrome that must be purchased, owned and worn to truly appreciate. I’ve included four pics and took many more to capture its essence and this is the best I could do ladies. ๐Ÿ™‚ Similar To: I’ve been told that Royal Velvet is very reminiscent of SpaRitual’s Health Wealth and Happiness, as well as, China Glaze’s Tempest. If you own either of these, please let me know if they’re dupes to RV. This Look: I’m wearing one coat of Barielle’s Camouflage underneath becuase it was a bit sheer; two coats of RV and one coat of Shine and Hold. Price Point/Availability: Royal Velvet is from Orly’s Precious Collection for Spring and will be available starting March 2011 for $7.50 each. Looks like a few smaller beauty supply chains are putting them out a little early – yay for me! Thanks for checking in and please have a wonderfully well-polished week!
