List of colors

List of colors

Name Hex RGB lightcoral F08080 240,128,128 rosybrown BC8F8F 188,143,143 indianred CD5C5C 205,92,92 red FF0000 255,0,0 firebrick B22222 178,34,34 brown A52A2A 165,42,42 darkred 8B0000 139,0,0 maroon 800000 128,0,0 mistyrose FFE4E1 255,228,225 salmon FA8072 250,128,114 tomato FF6347 255,99,71 darksalmon E9967A 233,150,122 coral FF7F50 255,127,80 orangered FF4500 255,69,0 lightsalmon FFA07A 255,160,122 sienna A0522D 160,82,45 seashell FFF5EE 255,245,238 chocolate D2691E 210,105,30 saddlebrown 8B4513 139,69,19 sandybrown F4A460 244,164,96 peachpuff FFDAB9 255,218,185 peru CD853F 205,133,63 linen FAF0E6 250,240,230 bisque FFE4C4 255,228,196 darkorange FF8C00 255,140,0 burlywood DEB887 222,184,135 antiquewhite FAEBD7 250,235,215 tan D2B48C 210,180,140 navajowhite FFDEAD 255,222,173 blanchedalmond FFEBCD 255,235,205 papayawhip FFEFD5 255,239,213 moccasin FFE4B5 255,228,181 orange FFA500 255,165,0 wheat F5DEB3 245,222,179 oldlace FDF5E6 253,245,230 floralwhite FFFAF0 255,250,240 darkgoldenrod B8860B 184,134,11 goldenrod DAA520 218,165,32 cornsilk FFF8DC 255,248,220 gold FFD700 255,215,0 lemonchiffon FFFACD 255,250,205 khaki F0E68C 240,230,140 palegoldenrod EEE8AA 238,232,170 darkkhaki BDB76B 189,183,107 ivory FFFFF0 255,255,240 lightyellow FFFFE0 255,255,224 beige F5F5DC 245,245,220 lightgoldenrodyellow FAFAD2 250,250,210 yellow FFFF00 255,255,0 olive 808000 128,128,0 olivedrab 6B8E23 107,142,35 yellowgreen 9ACD32 154,205,50 darkolivegreen 556B2F 85,107,47 greenyellow ADFF2F 173,255,47 chartreuse 7FFF00 127,255,0 lawngreen 7CFC00 124,252,0 darkseagreen 8FBC8B 143,188,139 honeydew F0FFF0 240,255,240 palegreen 98FB98 152,251,152 lightgreen 90EE90 144,238,144 lime 00FF00 0,255,0 limegreen 32CD32 50,205,50 forestgreen 228B22 34,139,34 green 008000 0,128,0 darkgreen 006400 0,100,0 seagreen 2E8B57 46,139,87 mediumseagreen 3CB371 60,179,113 springgreen 00FF7F 0,255,127 mintcream F5FFFA 245,255,250 mediumspringgreen 00FA9A 0,250,154 mediumaquamarine 66CDAA 102,205,170 aquamarine 7FFFD4 127,255,212 turquoise 40E0D0 64,224,208 lightseagreen 20B2AA 32,178,170 mediumturquoise 48D1CC 72,209,204 azure F0FFFF 240,255,255 lightcyan E0FFFF 224,255,255 paleturquoise AFEEEE 175,238,238 aqua 00FFFF 0,255,255 cyan 00FFFF 0,255,255 darkcyan 008B8B 0,139,139 teal 008080 0,128,128 darkslategray 2F4F4F 47,79,79 darkturquoise 00CED1 0,206,209 cadetblue 5F9EA0 95,158,160 powderblue B0E0E6 176,224,230 lightblue ADD8E6 173,216,230 deepskyblue 00BFFF 0,191,255 skyblue 87CEEB 135,206,235 lightskyblue 87CEFA 135,206,250 steelblue 4682B4 70,130,180 aliceblue F0F8FF 240,248,255 dodgerblue 1E90FF 30,144,255 lightslategray 778899 119,136,153 slategray 708090 112,128,144 lightsteelblue B0C4DE 176,196,222 cornflowerblue 6495ED 100,149,237 royalblue 4169E1 65,105,225 ghostwhite F8F8FF 248,248,255 lavender E6E6FA 230,230,250 blue 0000FF 0,0,255 mediumblue 0000CD 0,0,205 darkblue 00008B 0,0,139 midnightblue 191970 25,25,112 navy 000080 0,0,128 slateblue 6A5ACD 106,90,205 darkslateblue 483D8B 72,61,139 mediumslateblue 7B68EE 123,104,238 mediumpurple 9370DB 147,112,219 blueviolet 8A2BE2 138,43,226 indigo 4B0082 75,0,130 darkorchid 9932CC 153,50,204 darkviolet 9400D3 148,0,211 mediumorchid BA55D3 186,85,211 thistle D8BFD8 216,191,216 plum DDA0DD 221,160,221 violet EE82EE 238,130,238 fuchsia FF00FF 255,0,255 magenta FF00FF 255,0,255 darkmagenta 8B008B 139,0,139 purple 800080 128,0,128 orchid DA70D6 218,112,214 mediumvioletred C71585 199,21,133 deeppink FF1493 255,20,147 hotpink FF69B4 255,105,180 lavenderblush FFF0F5 255,240,245 palevioletred DB7093 219,112,147 crimson DC143C 220,20,60 pink FFC0CB 255,192,203 lightpink FFB6C1 255,182,193 white FFFFFF 255,255,255 snow FFFAFA 255,250,250 whitesmoke F5F5F5 245,245,245 gainsboro DCDCDC 220,220,220 lightgray D3D3D3 211,211,211 silver C0C0C0 192,192,192 darkgray A9A9A9 169,169,169 gray 808080 128,128,128 dimgray 696969 105,105,105 black 000000 0,0,0 CMYK CODE Blue charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview CMYK COLOR CODE Blue (100%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Aquamarine (51%, 0%, 0%, 3%) blue (100%, 50%, 0%, 0%) blue (85%, 37%, 0%, 20%) Clear blue (52%, 14%, 0%, 5%) Azurin (33%, 52%, 0%, 0%) steel blue (69%, 24%, 0%, 27%) slate blue (26%, 21%, 0%, 45%) cornflower blue (52%, 34%, 0%, 32%) blue cornflower (52%, 34%, 0%, 32%) blue jumped (100%, 18%, 0%, 29%) heavenly blue (84%, 17%, 0%, 7%) cerulean (94%, 32%, 0%, 9%) cerulean blue (71%, 33%, 0%, 28%) Blue wagon (28%, 18%, 0%, 22%) wheelwright Blue (82%, 19%, 0%, 51%) wheelwright Blue (28%, 18%, 0%, 22%) blue sky (53%, 29%, 0%, 0%) Cobalt Blue (73%, 47%, 0%, 51%) Berlin Blue (61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) Bleu de France (79%, 39%, 0%, 9%) Midnight Blue (100%, 50%, 0%, 60%) Prussian Blue (61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) denim Blue (96%, 56%, 0%, 0%) Blue South Sea (100%, 0%, 0%, 20%) lozenge Blue (13%, 5%, 0%, 0%) Egyptian Blue (90%, 69%, 0%, 35%) Electric Blue (83%, 54%, 0%, 0%) blue woad (44%, 25%, 0%, 40%) blue horizon (23%, 14%, 0%, 35%) Majorelle Blue (56%, 64%, 0%, 14%) Navy (96%, 55%, 0%, 70%) Maya Blue (54%, 23%, 0%, 2%) Mineral Blue (61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) Midnight Blue (86%, 95%, 0%, 58%) Ultramarine (100%, 100%, 2%, 3%) Ultramarine (72%, 100%, 0%, 40%) Peacock (96%, 17%, 0%, 44%) Persian Blue (60%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Oil Blue (64%, 11%, 0%, 68%) Royal Blue (79%, 39%, 0%, 9%) Sapphire Blue (99%, 73%, 0%, 29%) Teal (100%, 0%, 0%, 44%) Smalt Blue (100%, 67%, 0%, 40%) Tiffany Blue (74%, 5%, 38%, 0%) turquin Blue (52%, 34%, 0%, 46) caeruleum (84%, 17%, 0%, 7%) Duck (97%, 10%, 0%, 40%) cerulean (52%, 14%, 0%, 5%) Cyan (52%, 0%, 13%, 0%) Cyan (83%, 0%, 0%, 2%) Fumes (17%, 7%, 0%, 12%) Frosted (38%, 0%, 0%, 18%) Indigo (51%, 89%, 0%, 3%) Indigo (57%, 100%, 0%, 58%) Indigo web (42%, 100%, 0%, 49%) Klein (100%, 87%, 0%, 0%) Klein (74%, 82%, 0%, 51%) Lapis Lazuli (76%, 38%, 0%, 39%) Lavender (36%, 44%, 0%, 7%) Pastel (44%, 25%, 0%, 40%) Pervenche (20%, 20%, 0%, 0%) Turquoise (85%, 0%, 8%, 1%) White charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK White (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) Alabaster (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) Clay (0%, 0%, 0%, 6%) Azur mist (6%, 0%, 0%, 0%) Light beige (0%, 0%, 10%, 40%) -white (0%, 0%, 11%, 0%) White lead White (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White Cream (0%, 5%, 27%, 1%) White silver (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White Milk (0%, 0%, 1%, 1%) flax White (0%, 4%, 8%, 2%) White Platinum (0%, 4%, 21%, 2%) lead White (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White Saturn (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White Troyes (0%, 0%, 6%, 0%) Zinc White (3%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White of Spain (0%, 0%, 6%, 0%) White ivory (0%, 0%, 17%, 100%) Ecru White (0%, 0%, 12%, 0%) Lunar White (4%, 0%, 0%, 0%) Snow White (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White opal (5%, 0%, 0%, 0%) White-blue (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) Eggshell (0%, 8%, 11%, 1%) nymph thigh (0%, 9%, 6%, 0%) Brown charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Brown (0%, 34%, 81%, 64%) Mahogany (0%, 51%, 79%, 47%) Chestnut (0%, 38%, 77%, 35%) Amber (0%, 19%, 100%, 6%) Auburn (0%, 61%, 92%, 38%) Suntan (0%, 22%, 53%, 45%) Beige (0%, 14%, 37%, 22%) Light beige (0%, 0%, 10%, 40%) Beigeasse (0%, 5%, 30%, 31%) Bistre (0%, 30%, 49%, 76%) Bistre (0%, 18%, 42%, 48%) Bitumen (0%, 22%, 49%, 69%) Blet (0%, 34%, 81%, 64%) Brick (0%, 65%, 80%, 48%) Bronze (0%, 20%, 73%, 62%) walnut Brou (0%, 46%, 94%, 75%) Office (0%, 19%, 54%, 58%) Cocoa (0%, 23%, 40%, 62%) Cachou (0%, 43%, 74%, 82%) Café (0%, 34%, 99%, 73%) Latte (0%, 22%, 61%, 53%) Cannelle (0%, 30%, 58%, 51%) Caramel (0%, 60%, 100%, 51%) Chestnut (0%, 15%, 30%, 50%) Light (0%, 22%, 53%, 45%) Cauldron (0%, 38%, 89%, 48%) Chocolate (0%, 36%, 62%, 65%) Pumpkin (0%, 45%, 80%, 13%) Fauve (0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) Sheet-dead (0%, 47%, 72%, 40%) Grège (0%, 7%, 19%, 27%) Moorish Grey (0%, 10%, 36%, 59%) Lavallière (0%, 38%, 76%, 44%) Brown (0%, 53%, 100%, 65%) Mordoré (0%, 34%, 81%, 47%) Hazel (0%, 42%, 73%, 42%) Burnt Orange (0%, 58%, 100%, 20%) Chip (0%, 72%, 88%, 69%) Red bismarck (0%, 77%, 94%, 35%) Red tomette (0%, 57%, 70%, 32%) Rust (0%, 43%, 85%, 40%) beef Blood (0%, 93%, 100%, 55%) Senois (0%, 55%, 74%, 45%) Sepia (0%, 17%, 29%, 34%) Sepia (0%, 21%, 43%, 32%) Tobacco (0%, 47%, 81%, 38%) Sienna (0%, 41%, 63%, 44%) Umber (0%, 7%, 27%, 62%) Umber (0%, 25%, 73%, 43%) Vanilla (0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) Gray charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Grey (0%, 0%, 0%, 62%) Slate (16%, 12%, 0%, 58%) Silver (0%, 0%, 0%, 19%) Clay (0%, 0%, 0%, 6%) Bi (0%, 6%, 15%, 54%) Bistre (0%, 30%, 49%, 76%) Bistre (0%, 18%, 42%, 48%) Bitumen (0%, 22%, 49%, 69%) Celadon (21%, 0%, 9%, 35%) Chestnut (0%, 15%, 30%, 50%) oxidized Tin (0%, 0%, 0%, 27%) pure Tin (0%, 0%, 0%, 7%) Fumes (17%, 7%, 0%, 12%) Grège (0%, 7%, 19%, 27%) Steel Grey (0%, 0%, 0%, 31%) Charcoal Grey (72%, 65%, 61%, 61%) Payne Grey (15%, 7%, 0%, 53%) Gray iron (0%, 0%, 0%, 48%) Gray iron (0%, 0%, 0%, 50%) Pearl Grey (0%, 0%, 0%, 19%) Pearl Grey (4%, 0%, 2%, 80%) Gray (0%, 0%, 0%, 38%) Dove Gray (0%, 8%, 8%, 27%) Putty (0%, 1%, 19%, 30%) Pinchard (0%, 0%, 0%, 20%) Lead (6%, 1%, 0%, 49%) Mountbatten Pink (0%, 280%, 0%, 40%) Taupe (0%, 10%, 29%, 73%) Tourdille (0%, 1%, 8%, 24%) Yellow charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Yellow (0%, 0%, 100%, 0%) Amber (0%, 19%, 100%, 6%) Aurore (0%, 20%, 62%, 0%) Butter (0%, 5%, 55%, 6%) fees Butter (0%, 4%, 45%, 0%) Wheat (0%, 8%, 79%, 9%) Blonde (0%, 17%, 49%, 11%) Golden Button (0%, 13%, 93%, 1%) Bulle (0%, 11%, 41%, 7%) goose Caca (0%, 0%, 94%, 20%) Chamois (0%, 8%, 41%, 18%) Champagne (0%, 4%, 27%, 2%) Chrome (7%, 0%, 95%, 0%) Chrome (0%, 0%, 98%, 0%) Lemon (3%, 0%, 76%, 0%) Fauve (0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) Flave (0%, 0%, 34%, 10%) sulfur Flower (0%, 0%, 58%, 0%) Gamboge (0%, 35%, 94%, 6%) Yellow aureolin (0%, 12%, 72%, 6%) yellow banana (0%, 13%, 97%, 18%) Chickadee (4%, 0%, 95%, 6%) Yellow chartreuse (13%, 0%, 100%, 0%) cobalt Yellow (0%, 6%, 100%, 0%) Naples yellow (0%, 6%, 26%, 0%) Golden Yellow (0%, 10%, 97%, 6%) Imperial Yellow (0%, 11%, 79%, 0%) Yellow mimosa (0%, 2%, 57%, 0%) Yellow mustard (4%, 0%, 100%, 19%) Yellow nankin (0%, 9%, 57%, 3%) Yellow olive (0%, 0%, 100%, 50%) yellow straw (0%, 11%, 72%, 0%) Yellow chick (0%, 8%, 62%, 3%) Corn (0%, 13%, 54%, 0%) March (0%, 12%, 65%, 7%) Putty (0%, 1%, 19%, 30%) Honey (0%, 18%, 95%, 15%) yellow ocher (0%, 22%, 82%, 13%) Red Ochre (0%, 31%, 58%, 13%) Or (0%, 18%, 94%, 0%) Orpiment (0%, 17%, 89%, 1%) Camel Hair (0%, 34%, 81%, 29%) Cow Tail (0% 8% 43% 24%) Cow Tail (0%, 10%, 31%, 34%) Sand (0%, 8%, 25%, 12%) Safran (0%, 12%, 91%, 5%) sulfur (0%, 0%, 58%, 0%) Topaz (0%, 6%, 54%, 2%) Vanilla (0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) Venetian (0%, 27%, 64%, 9%) Black charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Black (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) Crow Wing (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) walnut Brou (0%, 46%, 94%, 75%) Cassis (0%, 93%, 75%, 83%) Cassis (0%, 97%, 78%, 77%) Dorian (77%, 26%, 39%, 59) Ebony (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) animal Black (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) Black coal (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) Aniline Black (18%, 41%, 0%, 91%) Carbon Black (0%, 26%, 47%, 93%) Black smoke (0%, 26%, 47%, 93%) jet Black (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) Black ink (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) ivory Black (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) Noiraud (0%, 36%, 70%, 82%) Licorice (0%, 20%, 33%, 82) Orange charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Orange (0%, 46%, 93%, 7%) Apricot (0%, 45%, 79%, 10%) Aurore (0%, 20%, 62%, 0%) Bi (0%, 6%, 21%, 5%) Bisque (0%, 11%, 23%, 0%) Carrot (0%, 56%, 85%, 5%) Pumpkin (0%, 45%, 80%, 13%) Reef (0%, 73%, 100%, 9%) Copper (0%, 42%, 100%, 30%) Gamboge (0%, 35%, 94%, 6%) Mandarine (0%, 36%, 72%, 0%) Melon (0%, 32%, 90%, 13%) Orange (0%, 34%, 100%, 2%) Burnt Orange (0%, 58%, 100%, 20%) Roux (0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) Safran (0%, 12%, 91%, 5%) Salmon (0%, 43%, 66%, 3%) Tangerine (0%, 73%, 89%, 0%) Tanné (0%, 49%, 99%, 35%) Vanilla (0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) Belly doe (0%, 14%, 24%, 9%) Pink charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Rose (0%, 57%, 38%, 1%) Bisque (0%, 11%, 23%, 0%) Cherry (0%, 78%, 55%, 13%) Chair (0%, 23%, 32%, 0%) Eggshell (0%, 8%, 11%, 1%) nymph thigh (0%, 9%, 6%, 0%) Raspberry (0%, 78%, 64%, 22%) Fuchsia (0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) Heliotrope (13%, 55%, 0%, 0%) Watermelon (0%, 41%, 37%, 0%) Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Dark Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) Magenta Fuchsia (0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) Purple (0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) Fishing (0%, 25%, 28%, 1) brooms Rose (0%, 46%, 27%, 23%) Candy Pink (0%, 74%, 37%, 2%) Pink (0%, 25%, 17%, 0%) Mountbatten Pink (0%, 280%, 0%, 40%) Tea Rose (0%, 47% 58% 0%) Hot Pink (0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) Salmon (0%, 43%, 66%, 3%) Red charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Red (0%, 100%, 100%, 0%) Amarante (0%, 72%, 59%, 43%) Bordeaux (0%, 94%, 76%, 57%) Brick (0%, 65%, 80%, 48%) Cherry (0%, 94%, 94%, 27%) Reef (0%, 73%, 100%, 9%) Scarlet (0%, 100%, 100%, 7%) Strawberry (0%, 75%, 75%, 25%) Strawberry crushed (0%, 78%, 78%, 36%) Raspberry (0%, 78%, 64%, 22%) Fuchsia (0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) Grenadine (0%, 76%, 73%, 9%) Garnet (0%, 90%, 82%, 57%) Watermelon (0%, 41%, 37%, 0%) Crimson (0%, 56%, 51%, 0%) Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Dark Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) Magenta Fuchsia (0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) Purple (0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) Nacarat (0%, 63%, 63%, 1%) Red Ochre (0%, 31%, 58%, 13%) Pass velvet (0%, 72%, 59%, 43%) Purple (0%, 91%, 59%, 38%) Prune (0%, 84%, 36%, 49%) Hot Pink (0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) Alizarin Red (0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) English Red (0%, 86%, 95%, 3%) Red bismarck (0%, 77%, 94%, 35%) Red Burgundy (0%, 88%, 88%, 58%) Red nasturtium (0%, 63%, 70%, 0%) Cardinal Red (0%, 83%, 91%, 28%) Carmine red (0%, 100%, 84%, 41%) red cinnabar (0%, 89%, 99%, 14%) red cinnabar (0%, 72%, 85%, 1%) Red Poppy (0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) Crimson (0%, 100%, 84%, 41%) Crimson (0%, 91%, 73%, 14%) Red Adrianople (0%, 90%, 99%, 34%) Red aniline (0%, 100%, 100%, 8%) Red gong (0%, 81%, 81%, 50%) March Rouge (0%, 86%, 95%, 3%) Red crayfish (0%, 83%, 99%, 26%) Red Fire (0%, 89%, 100%, 0%) Red Fire (0%, 71%, 100%, 0%) Red madder (0%, 93%, 93%, 7%) Red currant (0%, 95%, 86%, 19%) Red culvert (0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) Ruby Red (0%, 92%, 58%, 12%) Red blood (0%, 95%, 95%, 48%) Red tomato (0%, 82%, 90%, 13%) Red tomette (0%, 57%, 70%, 32%) Turkish Red (0%, 90%, 99%, 34%) red vermilion (0%, 89%, 99%, 14%) red vermilion (0%, 72%, 85%, 1%) red-violet (0%, 89%, 33%, 22%) Rust (0%, 43%, 85%, 40%) beef Blood (0%, 93%, 100%, 55%) Senois (0%, 55%, 74%, 45%) Terracotta (0%, 62%, 55%, 20%) Vermeil (0%, 96%, 87%, 13%) Zizolin (9%, 98%, 0%, 53%) Green charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Green (100%, 0%, 100%, 0%) Aquamarine (51%, 0%, 0%, 3%) Asparagus (23%, 0%, 43%, 37%) Teal (100%, 0%, 0%, 44%) Duck (97%, 10%, 0%, 40%) Celadon (21%, 0%, 9%, 35%) Frosted (38%, 0%, 0%, 18%) Murky (35%, 0%, 12%, 39%) Hooker (66%, 0%, 90%, 69%) Jade (42%, 0%, 38%, 9%) Khaki (0%, 13%, 71%, 42%) Peppermint (88%, 0%, 58%, 28%) Water Mint (66%, 0%, 43%, 2%) Sinople (86%, 0%, 86%, 42%) Turquoise (85%, 0%, 8%, 1%) Vert absinthe (43%, 0%, 66%, 13%) Green almond (34%, 0%, 45%, 23%) English Green (58%, 0%, 47%, 78%) anise Green (37%, 0%, 92%, 0%) Green lawyer (34%, 0%, 98%, 49%) Green bottle (92%, 0%, 92%, 58%) green chartreuse (21%, 0%, 80%, 3%) Lime (100%, 0%, 100%, 0%) Chrome Green (58%, 0%, 47%, 78%) Verdigris (10%, 0%, 10%, 35%) Sap Green (72%, 0%, 88%, 53%) Green Water (27%, 0%, 25%, 5%) Emerald Green (100%, 0%, 59%, 16%) Green Empire (100%, 0%, 69%, 66%) green spinach (41%, 0%, 0%, 69%) green grass (63%, 0%, 78%, 38%) Green Imperial (100%, 0%, 69%, 66%) green khaki (12%, 0%, 63%, 46%) lichen Green (31%, 0%, 35%, 24%) Lime Green (38%, 0%, 78%, 1%) Malachite Green (81%, 0%, 47%, 37%) larch Green (50%, 0%, 35%, 56%) Military Green (13%, 0%, 34%, 60%) Moss (35%, 0%, 43%, 38%) Olive (21%, 0%, 75%, 45%) green opaline (32%, 0%, 11%, 13%) green parrot (76%, 0%, 69%, 5%) pine Green (99%, 0%, 8%, 53%) Pistachio Green (22%, 0%, 53%, 4%) Green leek (54%, 0%, 36%, 35%) Apple green (74%, 0%, 82%, 21%) green meadow (59%, 0%, 72%, 16%) Green prasin (54%, 0%, 36%, 35%) Spring Green (100%, 0%, 50%, 0%) Forest Green (89%, 0%, 51%, 68%) Sage Green (34%, 0%, 28%, 38%) Green smaragdin (100%, 0%, 59%, 16%) Green lime (21%, 0%, 61%, 18%) Veronese Green (21%, 0%, 59%, 56%) viride Green (51%, 0%, 16%, 49%) Purple charts – Code CMYK Color name Color preview COLOR CODE CMYK Purple (33%, 100%, 0%, 40%) Amethyst (19%, 54%, 0%, 35%) Aubergine (0%, 100%, 27%, 78%) Persian Blue (60%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Byzantine (0%, 73%, 13%, 26%) Byzantium (0%, 63%, 12%, 56%) Cherry (0%, 78%, 55%, 13%) Colombin (0%, 35%, 12%, 58%) Fuchsia (0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) Glycine (9%, 27%, 0%, 14%) flax Grey (11%, 14%, 0%, 7%) Heliotrope (13%, 55%, 0%, 0%) Indigo (51%, 89%, 0%, 3%) Indigo (57%, 100%, 0%, 58%) Indigo web (42%, 100%, 0%, 49%) Lavender (36%, 44%, 0%, 7%) Wine Lie (0%, 83%, 60%, 33%) Lilas (13%, 51%, 0%, 18%) Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) Dark Magenta (0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) Magenta Fuchsia (0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) Purple (0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) orchid (0%, 49%, 2%, 15%) Parma (11%, 31%, 0%, 9%) Purple (0%, 91%, 59%, 38%) Prune (0%, 84%, 36%, 49%) Candy Pink (0%, 74%, 37%, 2%) Hot Pink (0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) red-violet (0%, 89%, 33%, 22%) Bishop Violet (0%, 46%, 12%, 55%) Violine (0%, 96%, 18%, 37%) Zizolin (9%, 98%, 0%, 53%) Colour Black Night Gunmetal Midnight Charcoal Dark Slate Grey Oil Black Cat Iridium Black Eel Black Cow Gray Wolf Vampire Gray Gray Dolphin Carbon Gray Ash Gray Cloudy Gray Smokey Gray Gray Granite Battleship Gray Gray Cloud Gray Goose Platinum Metallic Silver Blue Gray Light Slate Gray Slate Gray Jet Gray Mist Blue Marble Blue Slate Blue Steel Blue Blue Jay Dark Slate Blue Midnight Blue Navy Blue Blue Whale Lapis Blue Cornflower Blue Earth Blue Cobalt Blue Blueberry Blue Sapphire Blue Blue Eyes Royal Blue Blue Orchid Blue Lotus Light Slate Blue Slate Blue Glacial Blue Ice Silk Blue Blue Ivy Blue Koi Columbia Blue Baby Blue Light Steel Blue Ocean Blue Blue Ribbon Blue Dress Dodger Blue Cornflower Blue Sky Blue Butterfly Blue Iceberg Crystal Blue Deep Sky Blue Denim Blue Light Sky Blue Day Sky Blue Jeans Blue Blue Angel Pastel Blue Sea Blue Powder Blue Coral Blue Light Blue Robin Egg Blue Pale Blue Lily Light Cyan Water AliceBlue Azure Light Slate Light Aquamarine Electric Blue Aquamarine Cyan or Aqua Tron Blue Blue Zircon Blue Lagoon Celeste Blue Diamond Tiffany Blue Cyan Opaque Blue Hosta Northern Lights Blue Medium Turquoise Turquoise Jellyfish Mascaw Blue Green Light Sea Green Dark Turquoise Sea Turtle Green Medium Aquamarine Greenish Blue Grayish Turquoise Beetle Green Teal Sea Green Camouflage Green Sage Green Hazel Green Venom Green Fern Green Dark Forrest Green Medium Sea Green Medium Forest Green Seaweed Green Pine Green Jungle Green Shamrock Green Medium Spring Green Forest Green Green Onion Spring Green Lime Green Clover Green Green Snake Alien Green Green Apple Yellow Green Kelly Green Zombie Green Frog Green Green Peas Dollar Bill Green Dark Sea Green Iguana Green Avocado Green Pistachio Green Salad Green Hummingbird Green Nebula Green Stoplight Go Green Algae Green Jade Green Green Emerald Green Lawn Green Chartreuse Dragon Green Mint green Green Thumb Light Jade Tea Green Green Yellow Slime Green Goldenrod Harvest Gold Sun Yellow Yellow Corn Yellow Parchment Cream Lemon Chiffon Cornsilk Beige Blonde AntiqueWhite Champagne BlanchedAlmond Vanilla Tan Brown Peach Mustard Rubber Ducky Yellow Bright Gold Golden brown Macaroni and Cheese Saffron Beer Cantaloupe Bee Yellow Brown Sugar BurlyWood Deep Peach Ginger Brown School Bus Yellow Sandy Brown Fall Leaf Brown Orange Gold Sand Cookie Brown Caramel Brass Khaki Camel brown Bronze Tiger Orange Cinnamon Bullet Shell Dark Goldenrod Copper Wood Oak Brown Moccasin Army Brown Sandstone Mocha Taupe Coffee Brown Bear Red Dirt Sepia Orange Salmon Rust Red Fox Chocolate Sedona Papaya Orange Halloween Orange Pumpkin Orange Construction Cone Orange Sunrise Orange Mango Orange Dark Orange Coral Basket Ball Orange Light Salmon Tangerine Dark Salmon Light Coral Bean Red Valentine Red Shocking Orange Red Scarlet Ruby Red Ferrari Red Fire Engine Red Lava Red Love Red Grapefruit Chestnut Red Cherry Red Mahogany Chilli Pepper Cranberry Red Wine Burgundy Chestnut Blood Red Sienna Sangria Firebrick Maroon Plum Pie Velvet Maroon Plum Velvet Rosy Finch Puce Dull Purple Rosy Brown Khaki Rose Pink Bow Lipstick Pink Rose Desert Sand Pig Pink Cotton Candy Pink Bubblegum Misty Rose Pink Light Pink Flamingo Pink Pink Rose Pink Daisy Cadillac Pink Carnation Pink Blush Red Hot Pink Watermelon Pink Violet Red Deep Pink Pink Cupcake Pink Lemonade Neon Pink Magenta Dimorphotheca Magenta Bright Neon Pink Pale Violet Red Tulip Pink Medium Violet Red Rogue Pink Burnt Pink Bashful Pink Carnation Pink Plum Viola Purple Purple Iris Plum Purple Indigo Purple Monster Purple Haze Eggplant Grape Purple Jam Dark Orchid Purple Flower Medium Orchid Purple Amethyst Dark Violet Violet Purple Sage Bush Lovely Purple Purple Aztech Purple Medium Purple Jasmine Purple Purple Daffodil Tyrian Purple Crocus Purple Purple Mimosa Heliotrope Purple Crimson Purple Dragon Lilac Blush Pink Mauve Wiseria Purple Blossom Pink Thistle Periwinkle Lavender Pinocchio Lavender blue Pearl SeaShell Milk White White