You might be thinking at this very moment that you are ready for a change with your hair color. If this is you, and you are looking for some inspiration, we have collected a beautiful array of Hair Color Trends. It’s the perfect time to scroll though some of these tones and see if any of these spark your interest. Be sure to pin your favorites to your Pinterest page, and share the board with your stylist at your next appointment to see if any of these trends will work for you. Copper Tones Let’s jump right in and start out with copper tones. Copper tones are definitely on trend. Try to stay more on the orange side rather than red to stay true to Irish red. Copper tones can be achieve at levels 5-8 ( light brown/ dark blonde) and will be deeper at levels 5 and 6 (brown/light brown), and brighter at levels 7 and 8( blonde). Take a peek at a couple tones below as well as the two copper tones above. Beige Bronde The next of our Hair Color Trend is Beige