Eve Detachable Wedding Dress Bow, Wedding Bow, Bridal Bow, Large Wedding Bow, Bridal Gown Bow – Etsy Canada

Eve Detachable Wedding Dress Bow, Wedding Bow, Bridal Bow, Large Wedding Bow, Bridal Gown Bow – Etsy Canada

The detachable bow featured is crafted in off white MIKADO fabric, adding a fun and flirty twist with opulent texture to any style. This beautiful detachable bow is attached by brooch backs. This bow is large measuring : * 40cm/16 inches across * 60cm/24 inches high Fabric samples are available for you to check the quality and to match the colour of your wedding dress. Link for the samples: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1110356913/fabric-samples?click_key=12f16b37b8ed940454f859f9d61510ceed5a4a12%3A1110356913&click_sum=17247f9a&ref=shop_home_active_4&frs=1 We recommend steaming upon arrival and dry cleaning after use. If you like to make any changes to this style feel free to contact me.
