Domestic architecture, being a series of designs for mansions, villas, rectory houses, parsonage houses, bailiff’s lodge, gardener’s lodge, game-keeper’s lodge, park-gate lodges, etc., in the Grecian, Italian, and old English style of architecture : with observations on the appropriate choice of site, the whole designed with strict reference to the practicability of erection, and with due attention to the important consideration of uniting elegance, convenience and domestic coomfort with economy, the whole being the result of upwards of thirty years professional experience : with accurate estimates appended to each design : Goodwin, Francis, 1784-1835 architect : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Domestic architecture, being a series of designs for mansions, villas, rectory houses, parsonage houses, bailiff’s lodge, gardener’s lodge, game-keeper’s lodge, park-gate lodges, etc., in the Grecian, Italian, and old English style of architecture : with observations on the appropriate choice of site, the whole designed with strict reference to the practicability of erection, and with due attention to the important consideration of uniting elegance, convenience and domestic coomfort with economy, the whole being the result of upwards of thirty years professional experience : with accurate estimates appended to each design : Goodwin, Francis, 1784-1835 architect : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Cover tile: Goodwin’s rural architecture