First Impressions, Charleston

First Impressions, Charleston

There’s rather a cruel and unfair joke about Americans made by people on this side of the pond. People say that Americans don’t look past their own borders, that they couldn’t point out Paris on a ...

FALL 10 X 10 – LOOK 8

FALL 10 X 10 – LOOK 8

We're on the home stretch now! By this time in the 10x10 Challenge, around Look 7 or 8, I'm usually starting to get a bit antsy. I missing a few f ...

Spring Polka Dots – The A List

Spring Polka Dots – The A List

It’s officially May! May is probably the most exciting spring month since most flowers are completely in bloom and the sun shines more often. As you can tell by my wardrobe, I’ve been excited to ...

Ода белому цвету

Ода белому цвету

Каждый раз, когда я попадаю летом в Италию, я заново влюбляюсь в белый цвет. Жарким итальянским летом его с одинаковым удовольствием носят все и повсюду: как в городе, так и на пляжных вечеринках, ...
