Good morning all. This is the day Franky and I shortlist our 4 first blogging brides, otherwise affectionately known as ‘The Lovettes’. I don’t think I’ve had such a difficult job in years. Seriously. Honestly, I was crying, laughing, nodding in agreement, feeling my heart sing and desperately needing to hug these ladies as I went through the applications last night – what a superb community of readers we have. I’m just so proud. It’s comforting too to learn first hand how much our readers adore visiting Love My Dress for our wedding features. I’m simply going to have to share some of the comments with you in due course! So this morning’s real wedding couple are Tom, an Aviations Strategy and Business Development Manager and his bride Shona, a General Manager and Tour Operator – who tied the knot on 1st November last year at Islington Town Hall, followed by a reception at The Amadeus Centre in Little Venice, London.