Next week is Valentine’s Day so I thought it’d be fun to share a cute heart hairstyle tutorial! I’ve been seeing these types of hairstyles everywhere but quickly noticed there were different ways to do them. The two different techniques create different shaped hearts but I think both are so dang cute and could actually be worn any day of the week. Check out the tutorial below to see how they’re done and I’d love to hear which one is your favorite! Heart Hairstyles 2 Ways Supplies: Paddle Brush 2 Clear elastic bands Hair sectioning clip Medium-hold hairspray 1 1/4″ curling iron Heart 1 Hairstyle Instructions: Step 1 / Begin by brushing through the hair to remove any tangles. Then divide off two small 1” sections of hair near the temples . Bring them around the back of the head and tie them together with an elastic band. Step 2 / Pick up a new section on the right side of the head, directly underneath the previous section. Step 3 / Bring the new piece over the elastic band creating a “c” shape. Step 4 / Wrap the same piece underneath the right side of the section tied off. Then bring the section back down again laying it over itself. Step 5 / Pin the previous section with a hair sectioning clip and repeat the previous steps with a new section of hair on the left side. Step 6 / Bring the ends of the two wrapped pieces together underneath the elastic band. Step 7 / Tie the two sections together with a new elastic band a few inches down to form the heart shape. Step 8 / Set the style with a medium-hold hairspray. Step 9 / Optional step: curl the ends of the hair with a 1 1/4” curling iron. Heart 2 Hairstyle Instructions: Step 1 / Begin the second heart hairstyle similarly to the first one by brushing through the hair to remove any tangles. Then divide off two small 1” sections of hair near the temples . Bring them around the back of the head and tie them together with an elastic band. Step 2 / Pick up a new section on the right side of the head, directly underneath the previous section. Step 3 / Wrap the section underneath the hair elastic. Step 4 / Loop the hair over the right side of the tied section. Bring two fingers underneath the loop and grip the ends. Step 5 / Pull the tail down and clip it away with a hair sectioning clip. Then repeat the previous steps with a new section of hair on the left side. Step 6 / Tie the two ends together with a hair elastic. Step 7 / Set the style with a medium-hold hairspray. Step 8 / Optional step: curl the ends of the hair with a 1 1/4” curling iron.