My Plead for Autumn

My Plead for Autumn

Hello, dearies! I have a quick post for you today. I’ve been feeling nauseous for the past couple of days and sitting here typing is giving my head the spins πŸ™ Anywhosy… I’m ready for For Autumn/Fall to come. I’m over the hot weather, I’m tired of running the AC, I’m even over the iced drinks. It’s time for the season to change danggit! So, I’ve set aside my bright/neon polishes in the hopes that better weather will be coming soon πŸ˜‰ Colors Used: Julep – Karmen, Otte and Daria I received Karmen (shimmery red) in my September Maven Box and quite honestly I wasn’t thrilled. I thought to myself, “Well, what the heck am I going to do with that?”. It almost ended up in the giveaway pile, but something clicked yesterday and I suddenly realized it had great potential for being a leaf color… I did 2 coats each of Karmen and Otte (camel/tan) and then with my striping brush I applied my red leaves. I outlined them with a black striping polish and then as an after thought I used Daria (a grey polish that accompanied Karmen in my Maven Box) to make wispy wind swirls. I top coated with Color Club Clear. I’m surprised at how much I like this mani. I’m not sure if Karmen is my favorite polish in the whole wide world, but she can stay for now haha. Hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon and there won’t be a long break between postings. Please forgive me if that is a complete lie… Until next time! Stef <3


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