This Makeup Artist Transforms Herself Into Almost Anyone And Anything, And Here Are 30 Pics

This Makeup Artist Transforms Herself Into Almost Anyone And Anything, And Here Are 30 Pics

You will never look at your eyeshadow, contour, and lipstick the same way after you meet Nicky Hill—a 27-year-old makeup guru turned SFX fascinator who creates the most trippy optical illusions and transforms herself into any celebrity she wants. The now-professional makeup artist will make you look twice at her hyper-realistic and somewhat hallucinogenic designs and marvel at the spitting images of famous people and film characters. Inspired by her dreams or even getting ideas while walking down the street could explain her art’s surreal and hypnotizing nature.With currently over 11.8k followers on her Instagram account, Nicky’s makeup empire is growing and so is her imagination. Bored Panda got in touch with her and you can read about it below, as well as admire some of the works and let us know your favorites.