Summer Maxi Dreams – Mary Anna Jefcoat

Summer Maxi Dreams – Mary Anna Jefcoat

I wore this dress on vacation at Seaside this year and you can see pics of it on the beach here. I fell in love with this dress as soon as I saw it, and it’s perfect for summer! I have found it at several different retailers but it sells out so quickly when it’s in stock. I bought it from here for under $30. (It’s also here on Amazon!) I did have to wear a slip underneath it because it was a little sheer so I’m not sure if it is the exact same at every retailer. I also wore sticky boobs since it is backless. Here is a boutique that has the maxi but it might still be out of stock. Here it is again still available in the red and a pretty blue/purple ombre. My rings are from Eleven Collection and so is the twisted nail bracelet. I can’t find my exact hat but this black and tan hello summer one is very similar. This hat says hello sunshine and is also similar.