short wigs for black women human hair clearance

short wigs for black women human hair clearance

The Updoit hair accessory is the best and most perfect tool for updos. It works for a variety of hairstyles and different types of hair. There is nothing else like it. It slides in easily, is 2 toned and disappears into the hair. There is no wrong way to wear it! Versatile and blends in with your natural hair color. Comes in 3 colors, pale ( for blondes), medium (light brown to medium brown) and dark ( dark brown to black hair). 4″ long and approximately 1-1 1/2″ wide. It only takes one Updoit to hold the hair but you will want more than one because you will want one in your purse, your car and everywhere for a quick and comfortable updo. Just twist it and insert. For more information visit, Updoit hair accessory on facebook, @updoit on tiktok for videos and Simple easy updos/Updoit on YouTube I created it because a handful of bobbie pins or a visible clip was not the solution I needed and knew others needed it too! Thank you for your business. U ‘do U!