20 Weeks / Halfway There Pregnancy Update – Extra Petite

20 Weeks / Halfway There Pregnancy Update – Extra Petite

Last week I logged into a pregnancy app to check what fruit size baby is (large mango), and could hardly believe we crossed the halfway mark! Up until recently, I had mild symptoms (although Nick might beg to differ) and was hovering in an awkward “burrito belly” stage. Since some of you have been kindly checking in, I wanted to share a pregnancy update on here. Petite-friendly maternity wear has been a very popular request – I haven’t posted much about it since I can still get away with some regular clothes, but I promise I will once that need comes! First Trimester Symptoms: I’m so grateful about no morning sickness or nausea, especially after hearing how awful it is / was for some of you! I only noticed a few symptoms myself (below), but apparently my dear husband had plenty of other observations. You guys may have seen Nick’s pregnancy journal, which made me cry and then crack up like the un-hinged hormonal person that I apparently was! – Pee Problems – Frequent…like 3 times throughout the night frequent. I didn’t think I’d need to look into adult diapers for another 8 months or so! Fortunately, it was just an early pregnancy…

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